As has been established on these pages, there seems to be no little enthusiasm for old diesel Rabbits at present in this country, and even more for the diesel Rabbit's unibody pickup variant, so when
this newly listed craigslist ad, showing a seemingly immaculate example and asking less than three grand, caught my eye I was ready to head on down to the bank for a cashier's check with the sole intention of immediately flipping it.
Curious though, I thought, looking closer, that the ad listed no location (usually a tip-off that something's less than kosher in craigslistland). Still more curious was what I found over on ebaymotors when, just to see what kinda windfall I could be expecting, I searched on completed auctions for Volkswagen Rabbits:
a listing for the same truck, with the same photos, clearly written by the same person, ending five days ago with a winning bid of over eight thousand dollars.
Somebody wanna
email the guy and find out what the deal is?